Global Standards for the Microelectronics Industry
Registration Data Formats (RDFs)
A Registration Data Format (RDF) is a guideline describing how a device manufacturer should present mechanical and electrical data in a uniform and orderly manner such that a device user can readily compare and select the component to meet application requirements. These formats are required to obtain a JEDEC Type Registration designation as they provide the minimum data necessary for the characterization of a particular class of solid state devices upon which a type designation is assigned. For the purpose of achieving standardization, specific registration formats are available to fit particular device types. These formats are subject to change as new semiconductor developments or circuit applications become practicable. For further details refer to JESD282, subclauses 2.7, 2.8, and 2.9.
The RDFs are primarily developed and maintained by the JC-22 Committee and JC-25 Committee.
When preparing a registration data format for submission:
Every item preceded by an “M” is a mandatory item and must be completely filled in, since it represents an essential rating or characteristic required to ensure device interchangeability in intended application. The data requested in other items are optional and should be filled in as appropriate to ensure interchangeability in those special applications in which the device is intended to serve. In any event, the data supplied should adequately define the device in terms of interchangeability in the intended application and should distinguish it from existing registered devices. If additional data are necessary to ensure interchangeability, the data should be submitted as part of the registration. Company data sheets may also be included. There should be no question as to the intention behind, or interpretation of, any parameter or test listed on a RDF.
When outline dimensions of the device are to be given, if possible, an outline drawing registered with JEDEC should be used. Registered outlines are found in the latest edition of JEP95, JEDEC Registered and Standard Outlines for Semiconductor Devices. If such a registered outline is not applicable, an outline drawing must be furnished on a separate page attached to the format.
Delete all italicized notes, all unused items and all “M's”. Renumber the items in proper sequence wherever necessary to avoid gaps in the item numbers used.
All data submitted for registration, whether mandatory, optional, or supplemental to the format, becomes a part of the formal registration.
All JEDEC registered data must appear on the device manufacturer's commercial data sheets and be identified as JEDEC registration data by means of asterisks. Additional data, including performance curves, may be included in commercial data sheets provided interchangeability is not affected. JEDEC does not require companies to disclose Essential Patents or provide RAND1 assurances when preparing a registration data format for submission. However, companies may do so voluntarily in order to assist future users of the resulting data sheet.
Once completed, to apply for JEDEC Type Registration, submit to: JEDEC Type Administrator, Phileasher Tanner, 703-907-7540.
JC-22.4 (formerly JC-20) Committee
- RDF-2, Issue 3, 01/19/83, Diode, Voltage Regulator Single Unit or Family
- RDF-3, Issue 3, 07/07/81, Diode, General Purpose
- RDF-4, Issue 3, 07/07/81, Diode, Voltage Variable Capacitor
- RDF-5, Issue 1A, 11/06/64, Diode, Thyristor Semiconductor (JS-2)
- RDF-6, Issue 2, 07/17/72, Diode, General Purpose Multiple Semiconductor
- RDF-7, Issue 5, 11/15/82, Diode, Voltage Reference, Single Unit
- RDF-8, Issue 1A, 06/02/67, Diode, Symmetrical Multijunction Negative Resistance (JS-2)
- RDF-9, Issue 6, 02/08/82, Diode, Tunnel (Formerly JS-9 RDF-3)
- RDF-10, Issue 6, 02/08/81, Diode, Backward (Tunnel)
- RDF-11, Issue 6, 02/08/82, Diode, Current Regulator, Family
- RDF-12, Issue 1, 11/05/71, Diode, Voltage Transient Suppressor Family
JC-22 Committee
- RDF-1, Issue 1, 03/31/71, Thyristor, Triode
- RDF-2, Issue 1, 03/31/71, Thyristor, Bidirectional Triode
- RDF-3, Issue 1, 03/31/71, Thyristor, Diode Power
- RDF-3, Issue 1, 01/21/65, Diode, Lead-Mounted Silicon, Controlled Avalanche Rectifier (JS-1)
- RDF-3, Issue 1, 07/25/63, Diode, Light Triggered Semiconductor PNPN-Type Switch (JS-14)
- RDF-21, Issue 1A, 12/20/74, Diode, Lead-Mounted Silicon Rectifier
- RDF-22, Issue 1, 09/21/73, Diode, Stud- (or) Base-Mounted Silicon Rectifier
- RDF-23, Issue 1, 09/21/73, Diode, Stud- (or) Base-Mounted Silicon Controlled Avalanche Rectifier or Transient Suppressor
- RDF-24, Issue 1, 09/21/73, Assemblies, Enclosed Silicon Rectifier Circuit
- RDF-25, Issue 1A, 06/12/74, Unencapsulated, Semiconductor Rectifier Diode Elements
- RDF-26, Issue 1, 10/29/74, Diode, Stud- (or) Base-Mounted Silicon-Rectifier
- RDF-27, Issue 1, 11/2007, Thyristor, Diode, Transient Voltage Suppressor, UNIDIRECTIONAL
- RDF-28, Issue 1, 11/2007, Thyristor, Diode, Transient Voltage Suppressor, BIDIRECTIONAL
For guidelines for filling in the Rectifier Diode Registration Information required in RDFs for Diodes see JESD282, section 3.
JS-3 Committee
- RDF-1, Issue 2, 09/18/69, Diode, Microwave Video Detector
- RDF-2, Issue 1, 04/27/67, Diode, UHF Mixer
- RDF-3, Issue 1, 04/27/67, Diode, Microwave Mixer
- RDF-4, Issue 1A, 11/06/64, Diode, Voltage Variable Impedance
- RDF-5, Issue 1A, 11/06/64, Diode, Varactor
- RDF-6, Issue 1A, 11/06/64, Diode, Varactor, RF Harmonic Generator
- RDF-7, Issue 1, 06/01/67, Diode, Tunnel, UHF-Microwave
JS-4 Committee
- RDF-1, Issue 1, 07/23/65, Detector, Infrared
- RDF-2, Issue 1, 10/16/65, Cell, Photoconductive
- RDF-3, Issue 1, 07/23/65, Photodiode, Photovoltaic Operation Sensor Service
- RDF-4, Issue 1, 07/23/65, Solar Cell, Power Generation, Space Vehicle Service (or) Solar Cell, Power Generation, Space Vehicle Terrestrial Service
JC-23 Committee
- RDF-5, Issue 1, 11/12/76, Diode, Infrared Emitting
- RDF-6, Issue 1, 11/12/76, Diode, Light Emitting
- RDF-7, Issue 1, 01/28/77, Coupler, Phototransistor
JC-24 Committee
- RDF-1, Issue 7, 06/06/74, Transistor, RF and IF, Industrial Service
- RDF-2, Issue 5, 06/06/74, Transistor, Low-Power Audio Frequency, Industrial
- RDF-5, Issue 3, 06/06/74, Transistor, Low-Power Avalanche Switch Industrial Service
- RDF-6, Issue 4, 06/06/74, Transistor, Unijunction, Industrial Service
- RDF-7, Issue 2, 05/03/67, Transistor, HF, VHF, UHF Power, Industrial Service (JS-6 RDF-3)(JS-9)
- RDF-8, Issue 4, 06/06/74, Transistor, Low-Power, Video Amplifier, Industrial
- RDF-9, Issue 3B, 02/28/67, Transistor, Low-Power, Chopper Industrial Service (JS-9)
- RDF-10, Issue 6, 06/12/74, Transistor, Low-Power, Switching, Industrial Service
- RDF-11A, Issue 6, 06/12/74, Transistor, Junction-Gate Field-Effect, Low-Power, Amplifier Industrial Service
- RDF-11B, Issue 7, 06/12/74, Transistor, Field-Effect, Insulated-Gate Depletion Type, Low-Power Amplifier, Industrial Service
- RDF-11C, Issue 6, 06/12/74, Transistor, Field-Effect, Insulated-Gate Enhancement Type, Low-Power Amplifier, Industrial Service
- RDF-12, Issue 3, 06/12/74, Transistor, Differential Amplifier, Industrial Service
- RDF-13, Issue 2, 06/12/74, Transistor, High-Gain, Industrial Service
- RDF-14, Issue 1, 05/28/64, Transistor, Bilateral (JS-9)
- RDF-15A, Issue 3, 06/12/74, Transistor, Junction-Gate Field-Effect, Low-Power, Chopper or Switching, Industrial Service
- RDF-15B, Issue 5, 10/02/74, Transistor, Field-Effect, Insulated-Gate Depletion-Type, Low-Power Chopper or Switching, Industrial Service
- RDF-15C, Issue 5, 10/03/74, Transistor, Field-Effect, Insulated-Gate Enhancement-Type, Low-Power Chopper or Switching, Industrial Service
- RDF-16, Issue 2, 06/12/74, Transistor, Field-Effect, Dual-Gate Tetrode, Low-Power, Amplifier, Industrial Service
- RDF-17, Issue 3, 06/12/74, Transistor, Field-Effect, Low-Power Differential Amplifier, Industrial Service
- RDF-18, Issue 1, 03/24/67, Transistor, Low-Power, Double-Emitter Chopper, Industrial Service (JS-9)
- RDF-19B, Issue 2A, 06/22/72, Transistor, Field-Effect Tetrode, Dual Insulated-Gate, Depletion-Type, Low-Power, Amplifier, Industrial Service
- RDF-20, Issue 1, 02/22/73, Transistor, Programmable Unijunction, Industrial Service
JC-25 Committee
- RDF-1, Issue 3, 04/20/76, Transistor, Power, Switching and Amplifier Applications
- RDF-3, Issue 2, 05/03/67, Transistor, HF, VHF, UHF Power, Industrial Service (JS-9 RDF-7)
- RDF-4, Issue 3, 09/28/81, Transistor, Power Darlington for, Switching and Amplifier Amplifier
- RDF-5, Issue 1, 06/15/71, Transistor, Horizontal Deflection
- RDF-6, Issue 2, 08/23/90, Transistor, Power Field-Effect for Switching and Amplifier Applications
- RDF-7, Issue 2, 06/11/76, Transistor, Unencapsulated Power Chips (not Darlingtons)
1Defined in the JEDEC Manual of Organization and Procedure, JM21, Section 8.2.1