impulse waveshape, standard

A waveform that has a defined virtual front time and a defined virtual time to half peak value.

NOTE 1    Impulse waveshapes may be given for either voltage or current.

NOTE 2    Virtual front time is the time interval between the virtual origin and the instant when the extrapolated leading edge reaches its peak; the extrapolation is made through the 10% and 90% amplitude points for current and the 30% and 90% points for voltage.

NOTE 3    Virtual time to half-peak value is the time interval between the virtual origin and the instant when the amplitude of the trailing edge reaches 50%. This is expressed as a combined front time and time to half-peak value such as 8/20 µs or 10/1000 µs.


JESD77C, 10/09
JESD210, 12/07