Global Standards for the Microelectronics Industry
Standards & Documents Search
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 documents.
Title | Document # | Date |
JEP95 AUS | Jan 2000 |
Subscription to this updating service is available from the JEDEC Office. New outlines are shipped to subscribers for insertion into the appropriate sections of Publication No. 95. JEP95 and Updating Service can be ordered through JEDEC at (703)907-7540 or Committee(s): JC-11 |
JEP95 Registrations Main Page |
JEP95 Index | Apr 2001 |
This page will provide a link to the Master Index for JEP95. It also provides a link to 'index by device type' as well as the table of contents for each section within JEP95. For older outlines that have been archived, they can be accessed through this page. Committee(s): JC-11 |